Creating symbol definitions



Create Symbol 


The Create Symbol command creates symbol definitions from drawing objects. Symbol definitions can also be created from other symbols, text, existing plug-in objects, and groups. Viewports cannot be made into symbols.

Before creating a symbol definition, decide how it will be used.

As discussed in Concept: Vectorworks symbols, the type of object or objects and the associated plane determine how the symbol instances will display in all views. Will you be working in Top/Plan view only, or also in 3D views?

The type of symbol definition determines how the instances are updated later. Will you want updates to the symbol definition to change all the instances already existing in the drawing, or will you want to place variations of the symbol into the drawing, that can retain individual settings after placement?

To create a new symbol definition:

Select the object or objects to convert into a symbol definition.

To create a hybrid symbol, select both the 2D and 3D objects, which become the 2D and 3D components of the symbol. In Top/Plan view, align the 2D and 3D objects; symbol alignment can be adjusted after creation with the Edit Symbol command.

Additional 2D components for use in a hidden line rendered viewport can be generated from the symbol definition’s 3D component; see Creating 2D components for symbol definitions and plug-in objects. You can generate as many as six 2D components for the viewport views normal to (perpendicular to) the symbol definition faces (top, bottom, front, back, left, and right) and as many as three section views (top/bottom cut, front/back cut, and left/right cut) for use in section viewports. These 2D components are visible only in hidden line rendered viewports set to a 3D view in orthogonal projection.

For objects such as plumbing fixtures, cabinets, and furniture that are typically shown uncut in section viewports even when they intersect the cut plane, you can set how the symbol should display when it passes through the cut plane: as if cut by the cut plane, or as if either below/beyond or above/before the cut plane. This setting can be overridden for individual objects in a section viewport; see Displaying individual 3D objects in section viewports.

If a hybrid symbol will be inserted into a wall, countertop or slab, you can optionally specify the hole component in addition to the 2D and 3D components; see Adding a hole component to a symbol definition.

For top/plan only (2D) symbols inserted in walls, two loci can be specified as wall break locations in the symbol insertion options. In Top/Plan view, place two loci at opposing locations with the object to convert, and select them all before converting. When the symbol is inserted into the wall, the wall breaks at the loci locations instead of the symbol bounding box.

While symbols have insertion capabilities in all Vectorworks products, a Design Suite product is required to create some objects, such as walls.

Select the command.

The Create Symbol dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Provide a name for the new symbol. Do not use single quotes in symbol names; single quotes in names are reserved for use in scripts.

Insertion Point

Controls how the symbol is inserted, and defines the origin of the symbol definition

Plan projection center/3D object center/Plug-in origin

Sets the insertion point according to the object’s geometry.

In Top/Plan view, the insertion point is defined by the bounding box center. For 3D objects, the Z coordinate is defined by the object's relation to the active layer plane.

In a 3D view, the insertion point is defined as the center of the object's bounding cube.

If you are creating a symbol from a plug-in object, the insertion point is defined to be the same as the object's insertion point.

Next mouse click

Sets the insertion point manually, with the cursor, after clicking OK 


Specify whether the symbol units are based on page dimensions or world dimensions; see Concept: Page-based and world-based units


(3D or hybrid symbol; Architect or Landmark required)

Sets the vertical reference for the symbol insertion point either to the layer elevation or to a story level. See Setting up the building structure with stories.

If the story level does not yet exist in the file, the symbol instance is placed at the layer elevation until the story level is created.

Individual symbol instances can be set to a different story level (Z Ref) and offset (Z Off) from the Object Info palette. The symbol definition enables the story-aware status for the instance.

A story-aware symbol definition cannot be converted to a group or plug-in object symbol definition.

Z Reference

Binds the symbol instance insertion point either to the layer elevation or to the selected story level. By setting the symbol elevation to a level type, if the elevation of the associated story changes, the elevation of the symbol instance changes automatically to match.

Z Offset

Adds an offset to the insertion point elevation

Insert in walls

Select whether the symbol will be insertable in walls. When Wall Insertion mode is enabled for the Symbol Insertion tool, objects that have the Insert in walls option enabled will insert into walls (see Inserting symbols).

Insert Location

Specify where to insert the object relative to the wall, its core component, or its designated insert location.

<Nearest Wall Edge on Insertion> places the insertion point on the wall edge closest to the point clicked for insertion.


Enter the offset of the insert perpendicular to the wall's path, if any

Wall Breaks

If Insert in walls is selected, select how the wall will break around the symbol when it is inserted into a wall

Use wall closure

Allows the symbol to use a wall closure when inserted into a wall. See Wall closure settings for information; wall closure settings only apply if Use wall closure is selected for the inserted object.

Wall Closure Name

Specifies the wall closure this object uses on and after insertion. To select a wall closure that already exists in the file, click Choose Existing Name and select the closure to use. To specify a wall closure that does not yet exist in the file, enter the name; the wall closure with that name can be added to the wall later. If the symbol is inserted into a wall that does not have the wall closure specified here, the wall's default wall closure is used instead. (See Concept: Wall closures for more information about matching wall closure names across objects in a file.)

If this field is left blank, the insert automatically uses the wall's default closure.

Exclude Wall Closure From

Select any edges to exclude from wall closure settings

Top/Plan View Cut Plane

Select the cut plane location relative to the object to determine how the wall opening edges are shown in Top/Plan view


Enter the cut location offset, if any

Other Options


Leave instance in-place

When selected, replaces the current selection with a symbol instance; when deselected, the source object or objects are deleted

Add 2D layer plane objects to Top/Plan component

Adds all layer plane 2D objects to the Top/Plan representation of the symbol; the 2D objects will not display in 3D views. Normally, this option should be selected.

If deselected, layer plane 2D objects that are part of the symbol will display in both Top/Plan and 3D views.

Convert to group

Deselect this option to create a "black" symbol definition. This inserts an unmodifiable symbol instance; each instance is controlled by the symbol definition.

Select this option to create a "blue" symbol definition. This inserts a group into the drawing, which is modifiable, and it is disassociated from the original symbol definition. See Convert to a group or plug-in object.

Use caution when converting hybrid symbols. If in Top/Plan view, the 3D component of the symbol may be lost during the conversion. Similarly, in a 3D view, the 2D portion of the symbol may be lost.

Convert to plug-in object

(plug-in object required)

Deselect this option to create a "black" symbol definition. This inserts an unmodifiable symbol instance; each instance is controlled by the symbol definition.

Select this option to create a "red" symbol definition. This inserts a plug-in object into the drawing, allowing the current parameters to be pre-set and saved in the symbol definition. The inserted plug-in object is modifiable and it is disassociated from the original symbol definition. See Convert to a group or plug-in object.

Assign to Class

Select the class the symbol will be assigned to upon insertion. The symbol can be assigned to the active class or to another class present in the drawing; alternatively, create a new class by selecting New.

When a new class is created, it does not automatically become the active class.

Mirror opposite view graphics for empty 2D components

If a 2D component contains no graphics, views of that side of the symbol mirror the opposite 2D component graphic (if available); if the opposite 2D component graphic does not exist, the 3D component displays.

If a component is designed for viewing at a particular detail level, you may choose to leave the mirrored view empty and select this setting, rather than taking time to draw the mirrored component.

Top/Plan View Component

Select the 2D component graphic to display in Top/Plan view

Horizontal/Vertical Section Cut Plane

(Design Suite product required)

Set how the symbol displays when it intersects the cut plane in horizontal and vertical section viewports.

View as Cut when Cut in Viewport: The object displays as cut where it passes through the viewport’s cut plane.

View as Uncut below/beyond when Cut in Viewport: The object displays uncut as if located below/beyond the cut plane.

View as Uncut above/before when Cut in Viewport: The object displays uncut as if located above/before the cut plane.

This setting can be overridden for individual objects in a section viewport; see Displaying individual 3D objects in section viewports.

If the Next Mouse Click insertion point option is selected, click to specify the desired symbol insertion point.

Specify the folder location for the new symbol in the next Create Symbol dialog box.

Click the folder to select it as the destination for the new symbol.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Folder list

Displays the file’s symbol folders; the selected folder becomes the destination for the new symbol

New Folder

Creates a new folder within the selected folder; specify the folder name

Don’t show this dialog

Hides this dialog box if you only want to see it when a file already contains symbol folders

The new symbol definition is added to the active file and displays in the Resource Manager.

Concept: Vectorworks symbols

Concept: Object instances, definitions, and styles

Editing symbol definitions

Inserting symbols

Symbols within a wall

Resource Manager


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